

我司海运目前跟CMA、OOCL、EMC、PIL、COSCO、WHL、MSK、NYK等多家船公司建立了良好的合作关系。 主要优势航线覆盖东南亚及欧美。We can be entrusted to handle part of or all international forwarding business of import and export goods for ocean freight and airfreight. It includes: canvassing; booking; storage; transshipment; full container and consolidation; freighting clearing; customs clearance; inspection declaration; courier service; short-distance traffic service and consultation. Ningbo Yongding Customs Agency Co. Ltd., is a professional customs/declaration company which is subordinate to NINGBO YUANLIAN INT’L, it also has professional freight customs offices in Shanghai, Yiwu, Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Taizhou and so on, provides apanage declaration. It is a class A declaration enterprises which has good relations with the Ningbo Customs & Commodity Inspection Bureau. Zhejiang Zhoushan Maoyu container Co., Ltd. is a professional large container transport fleet which also subordinate to NINGBO YUANLIAN INT’L, has more than 60 container trucks, including 15 containers of heavy trucks, with "in time, high efficiency" spread in the market.Have been at home and abroad in the air transport airlines such as Air China, China Eastern, Crystal Air, Saudi Airlines, Korean Air, All Nippon Airways and other airlines operating charter flights and package space and tariff support, regardless of customer needs is an economic set of transport services , or charter, or direct professional services, the company professional staff are able to provide a quick and effective cargo security program to help customers to reach their destination on time.公司承接各类普货、冷冻货物、化工品和部分危险品货物的海运进出口业务,包括整箱、拼箱,力求为客户设计最佳的运输方案,同时可为客户代制单证,提供合理的运价以及配合专业化、规范化的操作。同时公司在世界范围内拥有广泛的代理网络,为客户的货物安全,包括在船到目的港后客户的货权主张提供帮助。经过9年的市场洗礼和沉澱,而今晋身为国家一级货代。以立足珠海,服务港澳珠三角,面向全世界为经营方向,主打珠三角起步至世界各地的全程海运,珠海至深圳拖车及国际空运。 多年的历练,深深感悟到"客户的需求,就是我们的职责",并重视沟通,强调服务,提倡并执行"一次性满足客户需求,把每位客人都视为VIP"。 同时,我们也深切地体会到,今天的世盈,离不开众多客户多年来默默的支持与信赖,藉此喜庆的日子,我们对所有的客户致以衷心的感谢和无尽的祝福。 精益求精,追求,世盈全体仝仁,承前启后,将优质源整合并以服务顾客为已任,与您们共同携手,共创更辉煌的明天! 主要业务:国际海运、国际空运、国际快递、珠三角拖车 澳门专线:珠三角到澳门3吨车、5吨车、8吨车、10吨车、12吨车、20尺拖车、40尺拖车等 澳门进口、台湾快递,空运等;香港进口; 国内水运(珠三角到全国各内陆港口的内贸柜)门到门服务。