

different from the general ocean carrier, our services will depend on the analysis of customer demand for freight transport, which allows us according to the priority of the customers on time, cost, or other key factors. the degree to arrange reasonable schedules, routes, and inland extension services. Our strong bookings, customs clearance, forwarding and container handling capacity in the state-of-the-art information systems support, so that we can provide customers with efficient, reliable integration of inland freight service extends from the ocean. Ju-hui "safe, rapid, accurate, saving and convenient" business philosophy and operating guidelines will always accompany your goods from the start point to the end. 服务范围:一般贸易买单,代办报关、商检、植检、熏蒸、订仓、买单,原产地证CO 、普惠证 FORM A、FORM E、FORM F 、亚太产地证、中巴产地证、输欧盟纺织品产地证,CIQ清关证书:熏蒸消毒证明、品质证书、植物检验检疫证明、健康证书、卫生证书、兽医(卫生)证、装运前检验证书 、热处理证书及以上其它的通关手续,拖车,海运,空运等等...   服务方法:若贵公司或个人没有出口权,或合同以外的商品,您只须提前1-2天向本公司提供准确详细的装箱清单,包括品名,净重,毛重,包装,数量,规格,品牌,口岸,目的地等资料,以便于某些产品的报检,次日我司将按贵厂要求负责如实报关出口. 标准收费:普货:RMB350