

is a professional team specializing in international courier business. They provide customers with a series of desk-to-desk services, including import & export courier collection, documentation, customs declaration, on-site cargo handover, and warehousing, delivery and transfer inside the supervised warehouses. Based on its courier agency agreement entered into with TNT Courier, a global Top-500 enterprise, Loxson has been formally qualified, uniquely in Kunshan of Eastern China, for the Class-A agency of TNT. Currently, the courier division as an agency of TNT can deal with the following products: Global Express (15N), Economy Express (48N), S87-Door To Door air freight, S88-Port To Port air freight, and S84-Super Weight express service.业务操作(报关、报检、定舱、安排出运等) 起运口岸操作一般需3-5个工作日,如物品为木制包装需做熏蒸处理,操作时间将相应增加,请您根据托运物品的具体情况提前咨询与办 理委托运输事宜。 我们将根据您的委托及业务操作的相应规范和流程及时为您全程办理报关、报检、海/空港口操作、安排海运或空运、 签发运输单证等相关工作 。 5.目的港提货 如是门到港运输,货到目的港口,收货人自行提货。如是门到门运输,货到目的港口,我司分理处或代理会与您取得联系,并帮助您清 关、送货上门。如收货人在工作日5天之内未提货,由此产生的仓储费及滞期费,由收货人自行负责。 6,反馈,售后 代理送货结束后,DAZHOU销售将邮件联系您对我们全程服务的满意度。您的反馈意见是我们公司不断完善的依据。如您购买DAZHOU保 险服务,在您收到货物后45天之内,如发现货物有任何损坏或丢失,DAZHOU会协助您一起办理保险理赔事项。