

to meet the need for international logistics and the development of global market. Adhering to the core values of “Integrity and Upgrading,” YES Logistics Corp. is devoted to providing professional,efficient total logistics services. Apart from its international logistics centers in Taiwan’s Keelung and Kaohsiung ports, YES Logistics Corporation maintains offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Qingdao, and Hong Kong. Furthermore, we have cooperated with CSC Chongqing Changjiang National Shipping Company to establish a joint venture, Chang Ming International Logistics in Chongqing, China. We have also set up representative offices in Los Angeles, Hamburg, Rotterdam and agencies in all other major cities, forming a strong and quick-responding global network to provide fast, convenient logistics services to all clients.国际物流有限公司本着诚信经营的理念,安全有保证的服务为广大客户提供国际快递代理业务、无论是文件、样品包裹、还是大宗货物都能准确及时送到国外客户手中,无论您是个体外贸SOHO还是外企,都能为您提供国际快递代发业务,普通产品以及特种货物都能安全出口到国外每一个买家手上,我司有专业的操作人员对接,为您一对一的服务提供最及时的反馈,让您每一个包裹都能安全到达国外客户手中,为您的外贸之路提供最强的后盾。 公司拥有专业的出口报关人员、快递操作团队、售后跟单人员,为客户提供的全方位、高安全性和控制成本的物流服务,务求以最高效、最专业、最贴心的服务尽最大努力满足客户需求