

柬埔寨专线: 聚集中柬两国经济基础,搭建两国贸易桥梁。盈鹏物流,一切从客户利益出发,价格合理,服务优质。 服务类型: 中国到柬埔寨陆运专线、中国到柬埔寨海运专线、中国到柬埔寨空运快递专线、中国到柬埔寨联运专线。 服务线路: ㈠中国(广州)—广西—越南—柬埔寨(陆运) ㈡中国(广州)—越南—柬埔寨(陆空联运) ㈢中国(广州)—柬埔寨(海运) ㈣中国(广州)—柬埔寨(空运) 服务主体: 进出口外贸(交易)公司、个体户出口货物、原材料运输代理、公司对外贸易产品运输、小型配件或商品、大型器械运输等。 服务价格:LCL Service We offer worldwide freight forwarding consolidation services for all merchandise and from / to all different destinations Packaging and repackaging services We offer packing and repackage services, providing environmental conditions that protect your goods against Loss or Damage. Towing We offer Land Transport all over China, through our licensed trucks. All the different merchandise are transported and handled by us professionally that your goods are protected against Loss or Damage. Insurance We can professionally offer our clients the Insurance Service upon their request. We are dealing with all the major insurance companies in China. Warehouse We can professionally offer our clients the most secure and safe warehousing facilities that keep your goods safe from lose or damage.